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band history.

July 2008
August 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008

WOW!!!it was our big day today...w've all just finish our oral exams..i did quite bad u noe..i had a jerky start for d picture discussion..it was reli bad..bad..bad i noe i could pass but not with high marks may be abt less than 35..maybe.....

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 11:35 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

hahz...we've all just finish our EL oral today and now we hav an exciting/big day tmr as it is our MT i wish all of u d best again esp. Tan Ern... hahahaha....

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 10:25 PM

i wish my friends there gd luck for their EL oral n all d best to them especially Tan Ern

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 10:24 PM

hey pplz me n my friend Tan Ern as just created a new blog already k... but will not let u all noe until he decides to k pplz...

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 10:04 PM

'whats a team without teamates' an old guy one's told me that
'whose a guy who is single' he also told me that
but now since like his gone than too bad
but he is still not wt i have lost
its more precious.....precious......precious

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 9:35 PM

haha d olympics is just over ready...now only have d encore telecast wanted to always watch d basketball match bt now not sure whether over or not damn bored sia... oready lose something precious to me ready.. damn i should hav taken d chance........

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 9:33 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008

tdy also i got back my maths mock test...it was quite bad but i was ok with it...it was 54/100...quite bad rite???u c

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 11:09 PM

d "craziest" thing just happen tdy.... its not really tat crazy but just now when i alex,tan ern,aslam,parveenth,Don Ho go play basketball than out of d sudden tan ern n aslam quarrel than both of them keep shouting at each other until now they nvr tslk to each other.... so sad................

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 11:01 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008

hahz.....today damn funny in remedial class man....Don n Jacqueline(dunno correct spelling or not)anyway they 2 fight until like siao ar.. one say donkey one say elephant... hahaha at last they kena scolding......gd4 them...

. .. ... . .. rock evolution* 2:19 AM